As a Blyth lad, I’ve been watching games as long as I can remember. I’ve seen us go through highs and lows, but nevertheless I’ve done my all to support this club regardless.
As a kid playing for the Juniors, I remember the days of getting in for a quid with my training gear on, and if I’m honest, this is where it all started for me. At the age of 11/12 I rarely missed a game, it was the highlight of my weekend, and even on a Tuesday night, I’d be home from school, changed and out if we had a game.

On Saturdays we used to come to the ground for 12ish. Those giddy little kids waiting to say hello to the players when they arrive. The players would always stop and speak to us before a game, and I’ll never forget one time, Robbie Dale took us into the changers and got all the lads to sign our programmes. Non-league is so different to EFL and these player/fan relationships are so special to fans. Over the years I’ve continued to come to games every weekend, including away games as I got older, building great bonds with those in and around the club.

Over the last 12 months, as many of you will know, myself along with Jack, began to help Dan with the Green Army, running the supporters busses for the fans as we fought for survival. The days out we had were great, and it felt so good knowing we could help people of all ages enjoy their weekends. You can see how much it means to the players too, and it’s great knowing they appreciate the work you put in. It’s no secret to anyone that things don’t always go our way on the pitch, but regardless of the result, we always manage to have a great day out and that’s one of many reasons I love this club.

That buzz you get from a win is unmatched. The buzz around the town last season when we drew Wrexham in the cup was surreal too, days like that really bring the whole town together.
I will always recall when we played Birmingham in the FA Cup, getting tickets from the club as a junior player, and my dad taking me and my younger brother down to the game. The feeling that runs through your body, when you go ahead against a club like that is amazing, and it’s no wonder we come back every week.
I heard last week that being a Blyth fan is like being a gambling addict, and when I thought about it, it’s really not a bad comparison haha. Loss after loss after loss, but that winning feeling still is the best feeling there is.

In years gone by this club has become a very big part of my life, and a very time consuming part too, it helps knowing that we are keeping this club alive, and bit by bit, doing out very best to push this club forward in every way we can. Through all the progress we see, we can proudly say we contributed to that, even if it is just by turning up every week, or giving a hand here and there.
By Cole Williams