Joining us for his first Q&A in 2 years is regular podcast guest Michael Soulsby! A man with an interesting fashion sense and some fascinating footballing opinions…
Q) So… how would sum up last season personally?
It was the season of false hope! It started really well, then it dipped, it then went really well again around December/January and then in February it went to shit we deserve to go down as a whole, maybe not this season but over the past 5.

Q) What what would you say were some of the highlights of the season and what were some of the low points?
Highs have got to be the South Shields games, those feelings are what we don’t get enough of at Blyth Spartans and its what I honestly feel is what brings the crowds in! Lows… well, there is too many really to list! But that Brackley game/performance was a real kick in the bollox; the effort the non-playing staff had put in to get us the best opportunity to survive was just thrown in their faces that afternoon. A real low. Oh and that Darlo game… that was a horrible feeling at FT.

Q) What would your favourite parts of a matchday are, and what keeps you coming back after many seasons off poor football?
As much as its been lacking over the last couple of years, its been when “plucky Blyth” have been ready to fight against the bigger clubs/teams and gave them a really good go! For example this season, Ive not really had much/any hope against the likes of Scunthorpe/Chester etc where in the past, Id always think “we’ll at least give them a seriously good go” – I also enjoy coming to wind up the lads, get a few bites out of them.. it isn’t too hard!

Q) Who would you say your favourite 3 Spartans of all time are and why?
Wow, right well Ive followed since 2009 so I’ll only pick that era onwards… Dan Maguire, Robbie Dale and Peter Jameson. All top top quality footballers in their own ways and could make a game so exciting to watch. Dan with his aggressive approach, Robbie with us unpredictably and Pete who Id say won us as many points over the years as some lads scored winners!

Q) What’s the away game you’re looking forward to the most next season in the glue league and why? Also, do I need to change the forms on your awayday permission slips now we’ve been relegated?
Obviously depending on when the fixtures are played but its got to be Workington, Whitby or Macclesfield. No horror journeys and can have the potential to be a big away following from Blyth!

Q) As a member of the podcast crew, how have you found that his year and how much have you enjoyed seeing that grow?
Its be great! Its been something where we can chat freely (well… relatively) and it also keeps me updated with Spartans and other clubs, which I may of missed during the week! Being kept in the loop (hear this new board!) keeps people interested. Lose the interest and you lose the fans! 👀 long may the podcast continue because I think us fans need it!

Q) Obviously we’ve just endured our 5th year of misery on the bounce – how would you sum up the last 5 years and what’s been the main cause of our issues?
kind of mentioned that earlier on but the writing has been on the wall. Everyone hoped this takeover would of been the bulldozer which knocked that wall over and saved us but in fact, it may well of been the foundation to make sure it finally happened. The next 5 years will be VERY interesting to say the least. The issues over the last few years is not moving with the times, Tony/Kev should of moved faster out the club if they were no longer interested and MUCH more effort to look for new incomes should of happened sooner.

Q) Lastly, we obviously have a new owner and hew manager in this summer. What would you say your hopes are for this season and what would one bit of advice you would give to the new ownership?
Firstly, pull your finger out as time is running out! I really hope they announce (sooner rather than later) a massive influx of signings just to put peoples minds at ease and its going to get very toxic very quickly come June and we have no players signed. Expectations: mid table, nothing special, plenty draws and the odd nice win. Not a lot of hope but I’m hoping to be proven wrong!