The man with the WORST takes on football and well, life in general chats some bollocks to us. As he always does.
Firstly. Shag marry kill – Rolls, Pieface and Owen Sellar?
Not sure why I’ve been offered this but here goes… kill Pieface, marry Rolls & shag Sellar 😒
You’ve been following Blyth for.. (tries to remember what year it is) 14 years now? What’s been your favourite awayday over the years?
Favourite awayday could vary between match or everything bar the match… Hartlepool probably has to be the best match; York away that 23rd December (2017) was a corker too!

Can you tell us about the time you got the sack from the media team?
I helped Phil out on the match previews and a few things during the Birmingham cup season & after the Workington play off loss, “my views” weren’t met with the current manager & I believe I was reported & thus removed from my voluntary role 😅

As a fellow football manager enthusiast, what’s the best you’ve ever done with Blyth on the game?
Its been a while since I done really well but I believe I got to the Championship once, back in 2012/13 era – Michael Nardiello was a god 🙏🏼

Shag marry kill – Gary Allen, Tony Young, Colin Blackett?
Another one!!! Tony’s getting the bullet this time to save everyone else! Could spend time with Gary getting pished so guess he’ll be married thus leaving Colin to be shagged 🤣🤣

Give is a funny story from an away game?
Will keep this one for public viewings only… I choose the Leek away tie, was waiting for them to step up for the penalty in the 90th min, saw it sky the bar and out of pure joy, started braying the hell out the back of the stand, leading to busting all my knuckles open 🙄😂 well worth it, what a game!
Obviously over the years you’ve seen Blyth play in some absolute shitholes. What’s the worst ground/town you reckon we’ve been too?
Worst ground is hard as the worst you tend to forgot, its probably either a toss up between Skelmersdale/Wigan town centre, Goole or North Ferriby

When are you planning on going to Turkey?
If you fund it, I’ll start looking for flights

Lastly, how would you like to see the football club change in the future?
Id like to see the club come into the 21st century, wake up and see what other similar sized successful clubs are archiving. Being “safe” isn’t always the safest option!