Green Army’s resident DJ is in the hot seat to chat some bollocks.
As our resident bus DJ, do you ever feel pressure to not fuck up the playlist?
Tbf since given the job of being DJ Morton I don’t feel pressure by fucking up the playlist on my set on the way back ,hardest part about is choosing a song to start of bit of a banker really its got to get it going after most of a time a defeat, but also doesn’t help when you have tits like Sellar draining the battery speaker that time at Telford the tart.

Shag marry kill. Nixon, Sellar or Pieface?
First of would marry Pieface but if a no brainer really let’s be honest out of my selection here , shag sellar would be the only ten out of ten he gets and kill Nixon so I don’t have to put up with his weird obsession with Rangers anymore and his complaining.

In the few years following Spartans, what’s been your favourite memories supporting the club?
Got to be the winning the Evo-Stik as the stand out for me, that team we had that year was just football heritage with the nip dog and Luke Armstrong up top , heed away in 2019 with Cal Roberts solo goal and Robbie’s winner was well worth the bruises on the legs ,and recently with the season just gone fighting for our lives with the games at the back end of the season and going out straight after created some memories which won’t be mentioned, been caught in 4K many times just to provide the lads entertainment. Just a man of the people really

Who’s huffs are worse. Nixon or Pie’s?
Both bad as each other in their own way let’s be honest but if I had to pick would be Nixon the lad goes in a huff over the price of becks at Wetherspoons it’s literally the cheapest drink and don’t get me started on his moan of prices when he used to follow us away before he was whipped by his lass

What got you into following Spartans and why’d you love it so much?
Got into following Spartans by just going along with the grandad in the Tom Wade era then ever since been going to every home game since ,but defo fell in love with the concept with spending the whole Saturday with your mates going to football , drinking the sorrows away as we do support Blyth after all and basically forgetting about other things going on.

Biggest shithole you’ve been to with Blyth so far?
With following Blyth away since 2018 I think the biggest shithole of I’ve been blessed to come across as an area has got to be Stockport really that place was generally a shit top bins on the floor everywhere outside and not to mention the streets to get to the pub made Blyth look like Monte Carlo.

Now Fents is in as gaffer. How do you reckon we’ll get on now this season?
With appointing Fents as the gaffer I think we will kick on now , with Him in charge I think we all feel more confident compared to the start of the season. Just need a few more faces in and a believe we can definitely get within top of half of the table.
Shag marry kill. Parker, Hendy and Liam Robinson?
Defo marrying Parker like boyfriend material at the end of the day really , unfortunately shag Hendy I mean can’t really reject being called his princess xx tbh and kill Liam Robinson so we can end his love island tweets and Facebook posts.

Lastly, how would you like the see the club improve in the future?
To improve the club going forward I think it’s defo needs updating from the clubhouse make it more modern for example like Bostons , defo get Madri on tap bit biased there and no bottles of it but it’s a start needs to be more communication between fans and the club itself and find a set piece taker who can beat the first man on a corner cause I can’t deal with it any longer .