16/10/24 Open Meeting minutes

For those who were unable to attend, below you can find a summary of last nights discussion, and details from the Q&A.

Once again we’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone that came along!

Attendee’s – Dan Rolls (DR) Dan Haldane (DH) Kevin Miles (KM) Gareth Cummins (GC)

Minutes taken by Michael Soulsby.

Meeting opened at 8:04pm. DR opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Explain the meeting had to be moved from Monday night due to some looming issues, as Green Army were aware of a potential sale and the club’s current financial position and having the meeting on Monday would mean that a lot of the important issues we’d be discussing tonight wouldn’t have been able to happen.

DR passed on a thank you from Colin Blackett, who had been asked to attend the meeting by several supporters. Colin received a round of applause and was thanked for his efforts, especially over the last few months.

In was then explained that despite the club being publicly put up for sale today (16/10/24) DR had in fact been contacted weeks ago by various sources, stating that the Chairman had been listening to offers and for the past 2 weeks, had been actively trying to sell the club, having supposedly offered it to various people at different prices.

DR stated himself and other Green Army members had also been contacted by various sources, claiming the club had numerous unpaid bills and invoices stacking up, some of those to other football clubs and some to local businesses. One being to a company for some repairs done to the stadium.

It was explained that whoever takes on the club will likely have to take on some short term liabilities that will need to be cleared, on top of having to fund the club going forward. DR finished by explaining that in the short term, supporters may be required to support the club and its new owners financially, to help get it back on track as well as in the long term, with an eye on the Supporters Trust playing a part in supporting the potential new owners in the future.

DR then passed over to KM, the Chief Executive of the FSA.

KM introducing himself and began by stating to the crowd that the value of club to supporters is absolutely priceless. The “premier association to the town of Blyth”. Independent regulation report similar to BURY FC and how much of a negative it had on that club/town.

Fans are totally important, players and managers come and go, even owners. Owners take care of clubs for a time spell to be ready to pass onto next gen. It’s always the fans who come to the rescue, look at Bury

KM states we need to get organised, legal structures for supporters to take ownership and is personally delighted for Green Army forming. He urged the a supporters become a fully fledged Trust ASAP. FSA can provide legal guidance, to allow Green Army to take action to save the club should the opportunity arrive.

Following a drinks brake, DR opened up again by explaining the decisions behind the boycott of the Stockton Town game. Reiterated that it was a boycott that was initially intended for one game only as a desperate attempt to the try and get the Chairman and his team to communicate with supporters following their failure to acknowledge the demand for an Open Forum. DR then opened up the floor to get supporters opinions on further boycotts and or protests, and any other questions.

Q) Is there enough staff at Croft Park to run the game?

DR) We are aware that a lot of the remaining volunteers have this week resigned from their roles. A skeleton crew of staff likely have to man turnstiles and do everything else required to put on a match.

Q) Do we know if the card machines are back up and running? (It was then hinted by a few people that a cash only gate has plenty of risks, given that the club is currently up for sale).

DR) We’ve been told that at present, the internet is down at the club (confirmed by a member of the audience) so realistically you would have to pay cash on the door if chose to go for game. Unless you buy a ticket online of course.

Q) Could Irfan take the cash and run with the money made from the club in the next couple games? 

DR) It’s happened at other football clubs before.

A number of supporters then commented, stating that they did not believe the cash generated from the next few games would be left in the hands of the football club.

Q) Does the money from the clubhouse go to Irfan?

DR) The money generated from the clubhouse generally gets put into the football club’s coffers. Due to the expenses of Sky Sports though, that apparently hasn’t haven’t so much as of late.

Q) Should we get physically on the pitch to show a point? 

DR) Given how many warnings we’ve had from the FA in recent years and how close we are to sanctions, it probably isn’t a good idea. Plus, Peter Henderson would chase you around with his pitch fork.

Q) Should supporters just turn up in numbers, as there won’t be any staff?

While no answer was put on record, the room did laugh in unison.

Q) Are Sponsors paid up at the start of the season?

DR) Different sponsors will have different agreements in place. Some may do, however some may pay monthly or have some other kind of deal in place.

Q) Has the club had any further talks with the likes of Port of Blyth or Texo to see if they can help out?

DR) We understand that individuals at the football club have been trying to tap up current sponsors for more money, which hasn’t gone too well due to reasons that we won’t get into.

Q) Should we not show support to these potential buyers and go to the game on Saturday?

A discussion then followed amongst the crowd, with some agreeing and some disagreeing.

DR) I’d like to think that any potential buyer would understand that the boycott was completely directed at the owner and his executive committee.

Q) How we can we trust these potential new owners?

DR) Earlier today I was able to speak to one party that is in talks to purchase the football club. I obviously don’t want to giveaway who they are, but I completely trust them.

Q) Any update on Steve Howard?

DR) It’s been suggested to us by one or two people that he one no longer involved with the football club (loud cheers follow).

Q) Do we know what the asking price is for the club?

DR) We’ve heard various figures mentioned over the past few weeks.

A vote was then taken to see whether or not a boycott for Saturday’s game against Gainsborough Trinity would be necessary. A vote was taken and the vote was more or less 50/50.

It was decided that while an official boycott would not be called for Saturday.

A discussion regarding boycotts and protests and how effective they were was had within the crowd for a short while, before KM then took over to add to his previous comments regarding the future of the club.

KM introduced crowd to GC, he is the contact for us towards the FSA. They will provide us all the support we need. Training on how to run a Supporters Trust effectively.

Kevin will PERSONALLY look to help Blyth Spartans. He has been involved in meetings recently with local businessmen, who are looking to takeover the club. They are from Blyth and in talks with Irfan for a deal. They aren’t mega rich but are most certainly wanting to keep the club alive.

KM then added that a Community business would be created. Not a single penny to be taken away from the club.

These businesses are to try get Green Army into a position to run it. Bidders are looking for vocal support this deal on the table. Looking for volunteers to run the club. The people involved do not want to be disclosed just yet buy they’re from the very local area. Green Army must help to find a way to raise money and get everybody involved.

Q) Will we end up like Darlo’s funding route?

KM) Its at the hands of the community, you work it out and the elected board make those decisions.

GC then explained how Darlington fund their club. He also urged supporters to take the opportunity they may potentially have to save the club and get involved in running it.

DR thanked KM and GC for attending, as well as the crowd for coming along and opened up for any final questions.

Q) Is there an expected timeline for an answer for how long it will take for the sale to be done?

DR) We really couldn’t say. Anything I say here would be purely guess work.

Q) Can supporters who are not going put money into a pot to help the start of fundraising?

DR) Yes, we will set something up in due course and keep you informed along the way.

The audience then began a collection, raising just over £195.

Meeting was closed at 9:37pm after DR thanked everyone for attending, though many stayed afterwards for drinks to discuss future plans.