Fan Q&A – Anth Hedley

In the first of our summer fan Q&A’s – Anth Hedley or ‘Frank the tank’ joins us to chat about Spartans, alcohol, nurturing a gambling prodigy and what not to do in the delightful pubs of Blyth.

First of all Hedley, I have to ask, why can’t you keep your kegs on after 5 pints?

I honestly have no idea, it’s just a bit of a party trick that’s got a bit out of hand a few times. I remember sending a picture of myself naked to my old man on New Years eve one year and I actually got barred from The Prince but I think that’s because I left my clothes in the toilet and couldn’t pay for my drink. Thankfully for everyone this is happening less as I get older*.

*Editors note – THANK FUCK

Moving swiftly onto the football, how would sum up last season personally?

Definitely a season of two halves but I just think our luck ran out, we should have been down before now but got away with it for a few seasons. Similar to previous seasons there were several poor teams that could have gone down but we hit a poor run at the wrong time. How we finished the season was difficult to watch as it felt like we just gave up in the end.

What would your favourite parts of a matchday are, and what keeps you coming back after many seasons of poor football?

I’ve followed Spartans since I was young and always dipped in and out but around 2018 I was going through a bit of a rough patch and the wife suggested getting a hobby to get out the house so I bought a season ticket, I think she may regret this now but for me it is the best thing I ever did. I love everything about the matchday, I’ve got a good group of lads I catch up with and a load more on the terraces that I enjoy having a bit of craic with. For me on a Saturday afternoon I just get to be a football fan and everything else get put on the backburner.

Your favourite awayday so far and why?

It has to be Chester away back in February 2020 when the pub we went to pre match had a hen do in and they had some highly offensive balloons, I actually kept one and got numerous funny looks from locals. The football as ever was average but the criac on the bus and at the ground meant it was an absolutely brilliant day out. Ironically this is the away day that naked pictures of me “accidently” ended up on a well known social media outlet!

A special mention to Spennymoor this season as well as it was Ollies (the bairns) first away day and his introduction to horse racing, the club put a race day on and he predicted 3 winners from the first 4 races. He also ended up in the Masons afterwards and repeated a few words he shouldn’t have to his mother when he got home so this was his first and last away day for a while, thankfully Pieface got the blame.

Do you plan on limiting your nudity during the 2024/25 glue league tour?

I can’t promise anything, especially those magical nights under the lights combined with the extremely reasonable prices in the clubhouse anything is possible. However if we bounce back up first time I will get a tattoo of Nobby Solano on my arse and will get up on the stage and show it off to all and sundry.

Who would you say your favourite 3 Spartans of all time are and why?

This is where I will get some stick as my knowledge pre 2018 is sketchy to say the least, I remember the likes of Gildea, Scott Bell, Leeson, Peter Snowdon etc. but I’d be lying if I said I seen enough of them to consider them.

I think the most boring answer ever has to go in at number 1 and of course it is Robbie Dale, he was just magic, even if he was having a bad game he was still capable of a moment of magic that sparked the team back into life. I absolutely loved watching Cal Roberts, it was clear at the time he was a league or two below where he should have been. There were quite a few times he carried the team during the infamous 2019/20 season.

Lastly its between two Buds and Wrightson, Buds was just a calming influence at the back and I think defensively we have struggled since his departure, Wrightson I felt didn’t get a fair crack of the whip but I always fancied him to do something when he would come of the bench late on. Finally a special mention to the Groundsman Peter, he does an absolutely brilliant job and how he gets the pitch playable at times is an artform.

What’s the away game your looking forward to the most next season and why?

Any where I don’t get stabbed!*I think Macclesfield is a given because of their history and that blond tit, there’s also the likes of Whitby and of course the more local games with Morpeth or as I am calling it the Wallaw/Wizard derby and Hebburn, these will hopefully draw good travelling fans and big gates at home.

*Editors note – that rules out Workington.

Lastly, we obviously have a new owner and hew manager in this summer. What would you say your hopes are for this season and what would one bit of advice you would give to the new ownership?

My hopes were that we would bring in an experienced non-league manager with a good understanding of the local landscape. However, now that Nobby has been appointed he needs to be given some experienced backroom staff who can support him.

From what I have seen so far I feel the club have been very reactive but at this level you need to be on the front foot at all times. We need to do everything quicker and get our ducks in a row quickly for the coming season. The press releases since the takeover haven’t been great and that needs to be improved on. I do understand the need for PR, but the club need to do their talking on the pitch and around the ground as this ultimately is what will bring fans back and build the fanbase.

Me personally I hope everyone gets behind the manager and pull together as everyone wants Blyth to succeed and not lose as many items this season, if anyone has found 3 pairs of glasses/North Face Jacket/coolbag with Dark Fruits and Apple Sours please DM me.