Hello and welcome to the results of our annual supporter survey! Firstly, thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. We ended up with just shy of 150 responses this year, which is a canny upgrade on last year. On the subject of last years results, you can find those here should you wish to compare this years results yourself.

Like last year, any of the comments sections that were answered with ‘no/NA/Dunno’ or any other sort of none answer – they were taken out for the sake of presenting the responses clearly. Anyway, without further ado – lets get into the results of this year’s survey.

A very similar result to last year when it came to who’s filled out the survey. Most people who completed it are diehards who rarely miss a game, with roughly a quarter of the people completing it coming to games occasionally.

Reet, onto the admission prices and season tickets prices.

Any additional comments on the season ticket or admission prices you would like to make?
Early bird offer, or simple more affordable, a saving of 2 games is pointless
Season ticket prices have been awful for years, and offer no real saving to even the loyalist of supporters.
Not enough savings to make the season ticket cost effective
There doesn’t feel much incentive to buy a season ticket given most people will likely miss one/some home games for various reasons. Some sort of flexible season tickets may be good ie a certain cost for say 10 games. Or even half season tickets, especially after xmas (Xmas present ideas).
More of a discount or incentive to purchase a season ticket. Doubt I will get one next season with current prices. blocks of tickets could be looked, for shift workers etc, maybe not a full season ticket
should be a change for next season, due to the drop in standard. also believe there isn’t much incentive to buy a season ticket as there is very little saving compared to buying on a weekly basis
NPL foota needs NPL prices
Lower season ticket prices to make them more affordable
Need to make getting in quicker
Lower league = lower prices
We dont need the funds as we’ve got a billionaire at the wheel
Never really looked into getting a season ticket
Fairly priced
Up the blyth
Not enough financial benefits for being a season ticket holder. I buy out of loyalty
Daniel Hume is not a student
Poor discount for paying in advance/ glue league should b cheaper
I attend home games but my job means I can’t attend all. No point in getting a season ticket for that reason. Don’t mind paying 15 quid if it helps the club.
I thought they were fine for the NLN but with relegation they should be lowered.
As we already know, the value for getting a season ticket just isnt there with the current pricing structure.

I know this season was always going to be difficult in pushing for season ticket sales, but I do still think an early bird offer of some description should be considered. Along with this, a payment plan as a lot of supporters wont have the means to part with £300+ upfront.
Match day prices for 65+ lowered to that of 11-17 and student group? £15 to watch lower standard of football next season may put some off. Bigger discount for buying season ticket?
Season tickets too expensive currently. The £15 matchday fee is too much for the glue league unless we’re winning every week
Drop the prices since weve been relegated. No chance anyone is paying £15 for glue league football
Pointless buying, total saving of under £30, cheaper season tickets in the EFL
Drop the extra charge for sitting down. People who need to sit shouldn’t be penalised.
No incentive to get a season ticket, if a supporter has to miss 1 or 2 games not worth the money
Since been relegated, I assume prices will come down?
There should be a hefty discount for U16s to encourage the younger fans.
The whole point of a season ticket at this level is the discount expected over the course of a season, there’s no incentive.
Should be free admission for under 16s instead of the under 11s limit
Season tickets need to be cheaper to give fans an incentive to buy them.
Should be reduced.
Any admission price increase would be a kick in the teeth
Reasonable for NLN but not for NPL
Need to make a greater difference in cost to encourage season ticket sales.
Also need incentive schemes to encourage early purchase.
Also need 10 match (or similar) tickets, not everyone can go all the time.
Provide options to suit individual needs and it gets the cash in.
Provide incentives for young people.
Allow serving military free access.
With drop in division id probably expect a few quid knocked off admission, however if were gonna be up there competing I think thats a fair price as it is.

Season tickets were a joke last year, believe if you missed 2 games then you’d be out of pocket/broke even. Definitely need to reconsider those prices for season ticket to be worthwhile
Not worth buying a season ticket, as I always miss a couple of games a season and no benefit
No real incentive to get a season ticket. Miss a game and your at a loss
seen pretty reasonable
Season tickets need to be more accesable and affordable. Currently not a viable saving for fans.
Need to be in line with other clubs in the league we are in. Obvious reduction
Need to get more than 2 games free on a season ticket especially if you are changing times to start earlier for certain games and if games are being rescheduled
Carers should get in for free if they have a proff on them or something to show they are a carer for someone.
Too expensive for the football at this level and needs to be reduced significantly given our league next year.
I’m a seaso ticket holder. Current season tickets provided little financial incentive/saving over match-by-match purchase. Next season there needs to be more daylight behind season tickets and pay-per-match. Also, given only our 2nd ever relegation, I’m expecting a reduction in prices…
Should be a bigger incentive to buy a season ticket
Need to look at pricing structure now we are in lower league
General admission probably needs to stay around this figure to generate income but season tickets / early bird should be dramatically reduced (especially after this season) and should be on sale as soon as possible.
Weird league regulations controlling ticket prices is beyond facile.
Will need to come down in price after relegation
Not much if a saving on Season Tickets
Would appreciate a bit more of a saving over individual games cost. And a better early bird offer
It’s quite expensive for adult supporters, and I don’t think the season tickets are good value. There should be a staggered payment scheme and decent early bird discounts
£12 more reasonable I’d say. Season ticket is scandalous considering you can get a season ticket for West Ham for £310. Newcastle: £417. Premier league clubs!
Cup tickets included
Its good that under 10s get in free.
Prices can’t go up now we are relegated
Don’t forget it’s an extra £2 for PoB stand. Price increases last season was probably £1 too much based on previous prices. Now we’re in a lower league, I think prices are too expensive.
Very little incentive for buying a ST
Missing two games pretty much makes the season ticket redundant.
The price has steadily been going up over the years, without any increase in the quality of football provided. For the level we are at (especially now we’ve been relegated!) I feel £12 would be about right. There’s a risk of alienating low income supporters.
Matchday admission was fair for national league north football. Would expect to pay less to watch Northern Premier league football
I think it’s a little high
Should be more of a discount on season tickets
It’s not far off the pay as you go option.
So long as I’m reasonably satisfied that gate receipts are applied for the benefit of the Club, and aren’t so high as to exclude people from attending, I won’t complain.
I’d hope they will be less due to being relegated from NLN. Maybe £10?
Be interesting to see if prices come down after relegation
Admission prices for whats been served up on the field does not represent value
Season ticket prices should be lowered to encourage commitment for the season.
I think the prices should be lowered to £12 per game due to the lower league next season
The saving compared to paying as you go is negligible
With relegation these need to be renewed. A season ticket at Championship level with Sunderland is £450.
Very little incentive to buy a season ticket, doesn’t save much over the season
Understandable pricing for NLN, not NPL.
I think £15 is too steep and is reducing attendance.
The quality of football on show has not been worth the cost. Quite often I’ve been tempted to go watch Northern League games instead of Blyth
Price should be reflective of the league the team are playing in
Although I say that admission price is fair a lower price would be better
There is very little value in paying for a season ticket. Miss a couple of matches and you might as well pay per game
What will they be next season ?
No they are acceptable
Hard to argue with pricing given how other teams are priced but still feels a lot especially given cost of living. Potentially we’d see more gate if the price was, reduced and advertised a bit better.
I would make more of an effort to come up if prices were lower. I genuinely reduced my visit to Croft park this season as I cannot justify paying £15 for non league football.
Not much to be gained with a season ticket
No discount making it worth buying season ticket. If you miss a couple of matches its pointless
Think the price needs to be reduced, it has stopped me going a few times in the last season.
Do not raise the price we are relegated they should be cheaper.
Could be slightly less to give an incentive to buy them
To stay the same in the current league for next season
Don’t mind paying value for money but it’s certainly not value for money
Under 16s should be free
Season ticket prices are about the same as Just paying on the door on every game
Family deal
Charge less, get more through the gate,  make more money
12/13 a game is enough
The adult price is fair u18 and students should be £50  tops.
Prices were fair for NLN but would be expensive for NPL. Season ticket prices offer no incentive if you know youre going to miss more than a couple of games.
Not cheap paying for adult and student tickets for non league football.
Need cheaper prices.
Decrease in prices because of the relegation
The admission price was fair for NLN, but most NPL clubs will charge less than this and Blyth fans will probably expect a slight reduction, say to £13. Whether this is viable or not is another matter. If it is deemed necessary to maintain the current pricing, the club should acknowledge this and be open about the reasons for the pricing structure. Season ticket prices were the subject of some ridicule last year – more expensive than five League Two clubs (at least in 2022-23), including Bradford City. Much like the ‘Championship’ comment, we have to stay on the right side of the line between ambition and overreaching ourselves. Anything like this again won’t go down well.
Seems fair to me
Prices made sense this season, even if the statement saying that they need to up them by 25% just to cover costs was massively demoralising. However if they stay the same at the level we’re expected to play at next season, there needs to be further communication on where this extra money will be going to, because travel costs will likely go down next year. Even just an admission of covering the sponsorship money will go a long way with the fans.

The comments regarding season tickets were pretty much in line with last seasons results, which is to be expected – as season ticket prices have been a bone of contention on and off for a number of years. A reduction of admission prices were also questioned a lot due to the clubs relegation to the NPL Premier Division – as prices in that league are often in and around £12/£13.

Right – time now for the catering.

If you answered yes, what sort of catering options would you like to see?
Cater we had at the start do the season was reasonably priced and had decent food, though they were a bit slow. Burger van we have had in recent months isnt as good and A LOT more expensive. A proper food vendor needs to be sourced for bog standard bait.

Additional food vendors such as Pigalos, Acropolis and other ‘high end’ food vendors need to be brought in as well. Ideally, the club needs to build its own catering facilities.
Decent burgers, chips etc
Our own in house catering and then maybe some sort of one off street food stalls of various cuisines over the season. Mix it up.
I would like to see the catering taken in house, more profit for club and ossible employment opportunities in the local community. if that is not an option, if a regular burger van was in place this could work alongside a guest caterer each game, pizza, greek, type vans
whilst I answered ‘not bothered’, on the final game of the season there was a huge catering van specifically for coffee!I don’t usually buy anything from any catering van, but felt this was totally unnecessary and completely out of touch with what may be appealing to the majority
Meal deals for kids and a good selection of vans
Cheaper better quality
Burgers and chips etc not Indian kebabs
Street food etc
Chinese on ground would get me in more
Varied options, maybe rotate vendors
Fair priced with decent food last few home games medioca very overpriced dearer than Premier league
It has been a bit inconsistent so I haven’t gone to the game thinking I’ll definitely get some bait. The options at the last home game were spot on.
Just better quality food in general than what we’re used to.
A more varied option along with the more traditional burger can. Whilst this has a place still, theres a growing appetite for a different option like we see at countless non-league grounds up and down the country. Asian, Italian cuisines will 100% work.
Shy’s pies retained! Catering options to be reasonably priced.
I am once again asking for Croft Park to have a bait hut
Bait hut sorted please irfan.
More chickpea options please.
Range of affordable choices
In house catering so the profits go back to club
Clubs own catering, like we were promised at the start of the season.
It did improve with new owners, who weren’t the new owners, utter madness.
Shys pies to stay, supports Blyth business and popular with supporters.
Different variations of van. Not just the bog standard shite burger van every week. I do like the idea of the Indian cuisine van they had so maybe get in a Greek van/Chinese van etc to go alongside the burger van every week
Reasonably priced good food, keep the pies!
In house catering
Just something consistent rather than turn up and see who if anybody is there.
Cheaper food bigger range but more importantly quicker service. May be a separate unit just selling tea and coffee and soft Drinks . A lot of people who just want a drink are put off by the queues.
Pies and bovril  burgers hotdogs chips. Basic crap that we all like at a footy match.
No Indian food
More pies
The only food I tried this season was the Indian taco van and the cake stall, both were amazing (The previous van didnt take card and I rarely carry cash so never used it) – I’d like to see more visiting vans offering different types of cuisine – I’d also like to see the club provide the catering as I think theres more profit in it than a burger van
We need a more varied selection instead of the usual burger van
Good value, honest local traders.
Be imaginative bring Street food vendors with good reviews
Decent bait eg pies, hot sarnies at reasonable price
Non-meat options. Something other than the old school traditional burgers and chips.
Slightly cheaper prices
Simply for the catering set up to provide the best possible money stream for the club whilst giving supporters good value.
Since the takeover, the quality of catering has dropped whilst the prices have shot up. We used to be able to get chips for £2, but with the new caterers that has doubled and meaning I now don’t bother, or just visit the nearby shop. Not sure why the previous caterer was replaced?
Anything that can serve quickly and proactively eg waiting til all chips have gone before cooking more. Should also be separate queues/outlets for those wanting just drinks/snacks and those wanting hot food
Just decent priced match day food.
Better options than just a burger can and the overpriced new vendor with tiny portions
More choice of food. Maybe pizzas, hotdogs etc
Anything other than that horrible burger van
Traditional pie and chips
Something actually cooked
Pizza slices
More variety than basic burger and chips – pizza van, gyros
Various styles on a monthly rota (street food burgers/tacos/pizza slices)
More choice, guest catering vans, various food themes. Mexican Indian etc.
Not bothered but the hygiene was terrible in the food vans, touched money then touched food so never even bothered to try any
Maybe some specialist street food or ‘guest’ options
Pies, pasties a better chip van coffee and tea facilities
Better quality food, street food etc
Sweet treats and savoury
Just better quality
I actually thought the Green armies catering was far superior, reasonably priced and palatable.
The old food van had better pricing
Burgers that arent like hockey pucks
Something like the Indian taco van that was there for 2 games
Dont really use it at the moment but more modern street food options would probably appeal to me more eg Fire and Dough pizza van.
Different variation of food
Something that caters to a few more dietary requirements (vegans, coeliacs etc) Not expecting the world but other than “Chips” theres very little options to enjoy matchday food

The food has been received a tad better than last season – though that was to be expected after we finally moved on from the previous vendor. That being said, a lot of people seem to be more in the ‘Not bothered’ category in this survey. This is likely due to the fact that the food at Croft Park has been an issue for years, and a lot of people don’t seem to bother with it.

Admittedly this year of course the food was rather inconstant, though the main vendor we had for the first 2/3’s of the season or so did seem to go down well. The main burger van we had in the final few weeks of the season went down okay at first, but the prices increased a fair bit and that’s of course been reflected here.

We did advise the pervious Executive Committee to get in an established burger van that would be more reasonably priced, as well as getting in the likes of Fire and Dough and other big food vendors in for Saturday games, which you could rotate round – as it would please people who just want the basic offering and those who are willing to pay for a high end caterer. We advised the club of this again earlier today, though in the long term we feel the club really needs to build it’s own catering facilities.

Reet enough about scran – time to look at the the Social Club’s results.

Again the club scores fairly well – slightly better than last year’s results actually. The new screen in the club probably helped it score a tad higher, rather than seeing Tony reset the bulb life on the old one every few weeks. The drink prices as ever seem to score very highly.

As for the comments, a lot of people seem to want the clubhouse to get a bit of a facelift. Redecoration was something that was mentioned a fair bit last season – but a few more comments have been made this year. So the demand for a redecoration seems to be increasing.

What changes (if any) would you like to see the store and/or online?
Store is great, and the supporters club have done a great job with little to no resources. Some more retro products could be good and I would like to see the club move away from Errea at long last.
It is pretty good as it is. I am concerned that the people who run it and have built it up are deemed as no longer needed.
offer a wider range of kids products is the only change I would make. the quality of products in recent years has been great, the bespoke designs for the shirts have been great. i cant recall seeing anything that has been of a good quality. my worry with the coming changes is that the quality may be sacrificed in order to maximise profit, whilst i cans ee the idea behind this, i would not purchase as much if the quality was not as good, so perhaps a lower profit margin is better to more income in total at the end of the day.
whilst I wouldn’t want to comment on changes needed, I’ve always felt the service provided was brilliant and we’re only there to help and offer a fantastic service!
The new exec to not change things, lining there own pockets me thinks
More unders
Loved the viz Xmas cards.
Last home game there was the purple away shirt with Cornish on the back for 40 quid. Daft. Don’t like going in. It’s probably the closest I’ll get to being on naked attraction with the way you’re stared up and down. They have done a fantastic job as volunteers though with the distribution of kits and I much appreciate their service over the years. I think they needed a bit of direction rather than booting them out.
More variety of merchandise
Now the owner wants to run the club store instead of the SC, quality and range of products mustn’t drop nor prices get hiked.
More stock availability
Was well run this year.
Reduction in prices would be good!!!
Open at half time
Better range if goods
If possible more variety
More stock of possible
Dont use it enough to really comment, seems pretty well organised and a good variety of stuff
More variation of products
More opening times especially during and after the match
Open at halftime
retro shirts available
More training wear
Just more stuff now its going to be ran by the club. Loads are available.
Keep the club staff and keep it ran by supporters as they know what the club is all about
I think this is probably the best functioning / most professional aspect of the football club and has been for a number of years  – the staff are really helpful and friendly, the quality and design of the kits/merchandising are superb, the range of products is excellent
Will be interesting to see how it develops under the direct running of the club
The new owners need to at least match or better the supporters who have ran the shop until now.i would imagine they have little experience in this type of operation and worry that come July/August we have new strip issues/deliveries late ,wrong sizes etc etc.
Why wasnt the store left as it was until at least the new owners learned how to run it.Seems to be lack of understanding from new owners on this subject.
More products
I was disturbed to hear that the club had taken the store into its ownership. Its a kick in the teeth for those who ran it.
 I hope that the prices are not inflated to stupid prices by the new owners, and they recognise the contributions made by supporters
Keep it as it is. The volunteers know what they are doing.
Well it’s a complete unknown next season given the supporters club has been disbanded. Personally, an assurance that all the money generated from merchandise will be for the club and that it is not used as a vehicle for the new owners to generate income that does not benefit the club.
More product choices, T Shirts, Caps etc
Slightly concerned by rumours that the long serving volunteers have been replaced by a new paid member of staff.
Handed back to volunteers unless the board have some serious plans to expand the range of stock.
I don’t shop online. I buy from the store but that’s closed now which is a massive shame. The prices of the products are far too high
Keep the supporters club shop
Bundle deals and offers would help sales.
Make the store more accessable. Maybe open on a friday night for a couple hours
Renewal, new products and more attractive things for the people
I think its disgusting they have closed the club shop
Having a reasonable number of items in stock for common sizes
I think this is difficult to answer and its going across to the club now . There was an uptick in merchandise with training tops added to the range last season. Maybe some nice track tops a winter coat and windcheater & sweatshirt options
It’s the website it’s shite. Store is run well.
Baby/infant clothing would be class for gifts.
Keep the store as it is volunteers are better than paid employees profits go to the club
The shop to still stay and volunteers to still be incorporated in the running of this.
Better and more efficient website
Reasonable range but popular lines tended to sell out quickly.
So many things need better PR
Online store is ok but club store could do with some small upgrades
More options
Some collaborators on retro merch. COPA for example
More in stock options
More products on offer
Online store is a bit messy to navigate at times
A greater push to incorporate better accessories, and easy purchases, combined with better marketing of stock. A lot of the time when I walk into the club shop, there’s items in there that I had no idea actually existed.

As ever the club store scores well. Couldn’t obviously quiz you on the home and away shirts this year as they aren’t sorted yet but nevertheless, the Supporter’s Club end on a bit of a high.

What changes (if any) would you like to see the club make in respect of its media output?
Better comunication, and better more output , its been shocking for months
Website is terrible and the clubs media output is lazy
More regular updates. Less inaccuracies in posts.
A lot more match day build up. i.e a match day preview 
Made easier to navigate. Updated more often.
Media output has been good for some time but had dipped in the last season or 2. As of very late, just a bit of proofreading and quicker updates wouldn’t go amiss.
most other clubs post atleast once a day even when not much is happening, we normally post twice a week on none match days. this needs addressing, updates from physio, random Q&A with players, staff, volunteers. commentary has been much poorer this season in my opinion, its was much better in the past, i think needs re looking at, i switched off several times towards the end of the season as the commentary was so bad, i didn’t have clue what was happening in the match but knew all about the biscuits and what food and drink commentators had before the game
very sporadic output and only seemed to up the output when the takeover was mentioned. dialogue and updates are nothing short of poor for most of the year but this is what we have come to expect! any information regarding games (home and away) are better covered by ‘the green army’ socials
Be transparent and timely in announcements off the field
For the media team to re-read what theyre putting out instead of having hogan in the starting 11 and on the bench at the same time
More promoting of matches rather than just the normal Friday night bullshit
Quality improved & frequency
Get rid of them useless idiots and get new ones in
Much more information about the club Photos of directors and officials
Get me a job on socials
Not up to date and the matches not publicised well. Match interviews are poor
Better level of quality, and consistency. Don’t take interviews outside in the loudest possible place.
Better contend posted quicker
Social media is fine. Would be good to do some fun stuff. Quite like the idea of a dressing room or on coach team photo celebrating our wins. We don’t have a massive connection with the players. Website is a bit pants and it’s important to direct traffic there so we can show potential sponsors of our overall reach.
Games need to be promoted better, more updates on what is going on behind the scenes at the club, found it annoying trying to find the link for match tickets sometimes as well
The obvious in being more consistent and regular. Were now a week after the final league game of the season, and according to Facebook, that match hasnt even kicked off yet. Need I say more?
More consistency. Often Twitter is the only method of communication they use and it’s up to fans to relay messages on to people who don’t use it. The clubs website could do with a rebuild too, in it’s current state it’s not fit for an aspiring Championship club like ourselves
A media team that can actually be arsed
More interaction with fans, if your putting out things like team sheets double check that they are correct (eg misspelling, wrong players on team sheet, wrong badge of oppostion)
A good webmaster who keeps the site updated.
Use TikTok/Instagram to attract younger supporters
Employ someone full time to do it.
Announce raffle results on twitter/Facebook during game,make the website better
Look at what Gateshead, Spenny and Darlo do. The speed and quality compared to our own has been embarrassing this season
Be more up to date, get player photos updated quicker.
The list is endless, perhaps in summary, keep all pages up to date, give access to as much information as possible.
It is hopelessly out of date.
Lack of Club communication with supporters via web and social media. Never answer anyone who asks a question. Sadly there are some idiotic stupid questions at times.
Upload more,keep fans more in the loop with what is going on inside the club and behind the scenes
More promotion for games.
More communication in general.
Better spelling/grammar/use of correct words
Bring someone in who can actually run it properly and regular updates including injuries etc.
The links for buying tickets working better. Can never get the upper middle section to load even though on match days there are empty seats
Website is absolutely terrible and years out of date
More professional,  regular updates about signing,injuries, and general news items.
be more up to date and better communication. be quicker with match reports as we live 250 miles away so dont go to many home games. mainly away.
More communication on a regular basis. The website is terrible and communication out of the club is shockingly poor. If the club truly wants to build its community and outreach it needs to start with its fans.
At least tell us once in while whats going on. Be more open so that it stops the speculation.
Always post late, information incorrect, behind the times and poor communication
Up to date information the website is years out of date. According to our social media our last game of the season still hasn’t finished.  Embarrassing really.
Having someone writing articles and social media posts who has a decent grasp of sentence structure, punctuation and grammar would be a good start…
The radio coverage / photos are the only aspects of the media output that is good – The general social media output is okay to poor, there is nothing clever or unique about it and it does the bare minimum – The website, however, is awful and the general upkeep of it looks like its been abandoned (the squad listings page has players on who havent played for the club for 2 or 3 years)
A professional approach ,I appreciate this is mainly volunteers but that does not excuse some of the mistakes that are posted.Overall media output is not very informative on the main issues we care about ie the club,team,injuries,etc.
More frequent.
Needs complete overhaul poor communication and generally looks poor. Need to get things uploaded quicker and better represent the fans
Keep it simple. Regular posts, in plain English.
Injury updates. Links to next home match online tickets in every post including match reports.
Once they are a few weeks old, articles are hard to find on website (no search)
Keeping the social media posts up to date on match days
To be more up-to-date
Actually communicate in decent time with supporters, rumours etc always seem to be confirmed by other sources before the club come out and say anything hours later
Spell check.
At one point the website was one of the best in non league, now it seems to be a bit of an afterthought, broken links etc.
The social media updates (or lack of) towards the end of the season have been an utter disgrace. Whatever has broken down since the takeover needs addressing. If the media team are unpaid volunteers then in my opinion the new owners take full responsibility for that.
More updates, more communication.
The Blyth Live commentary is great and the twitter is regularly updated too, but it feels like there is little communication from the owners in terms of statements. (Applies to both current and previous owners)
More regular postings building up to matchdays. Additional content I.e. behind the scenes features and footage.
Better grammar 😉 More communication generally from chairman
The media side of the club is excellent. It needs to be protected
Actually an active media output would be helpful
It’s as basic as it gets, social media needs a more personal touch, behind the scenes stuff, look at Newcastle’s and replicate.
Give more information to fans
More communication, less copy and paste.
It needs a complete update with newer images etc. Articles need to be proof read before publishing
Get people with more than 3 brain cells to do the media
The fact it took around 6 days to put anything out following relegation was a disgrace. Given our new owner is a self declared marketing enthusiast, communication seems to be a bit lost. The website is clunky and not fit for purpose and needs to be rebuilt.
Actually kept up to date, with some relevant comms
Website revamp needed. Better/clearer comms. More interviews/videos.
More interaction with fans.
Better communication as to what is happening at the club
Better communication from board
More matchday promotion
Update more often, More Information
The media output is, often slow if there is anything even posted.
Let’s start by updating the list of  officials at the club…
Get out and actively promote the club on the socials. Match day info etc
A little more frequent and professional approach
As is
Swift updates after matches on the same/next day
Video interviews done inside club
More regular score updates.
Better PR
Not much
Keep the website up to date
Consistency. 1 week theres BTS training videos etc and the next 5 weeks were lucky to get a match preview.
Just more communication with fans so we are kept in the loop.
Not a lot,the Twitter page is good
The more interesting chat takes place on fan forums such as that provided by the Green Army, and on match days via BlythLive. Website content is OK but mostly of an official nature. Communications a bit slow and sparse post-relegation. It was strange to have the takeover bid announced in celebratory fashion the night before a likely relegation event – not sure about the optics of that. Also, the ‘link to nowhere’ on the Winners Worldwide site is a bit unfortunate. But, it’s a decent website and a good volunteer-run effort all round.
Better proof reading of statements, making sure hyperlinks are attached to posts. More creative marketing for the Social Media side of things, greater community outreach to generate goodwill & media opportunities

Like last year, the club’s media output doesn’t seem to be hitting the mark for a variety of reasons listed in the comments.

If you’ve been in the club’s hospitality lounge in recent years, what are your thoughts on the package they offer and what (if any) changes would you like to see?
Ive not done any other hospitality pakcages anywhere but didnt think it was worth the money
Its well behind the times and not really worth the money. Alcohol on offer is all cheap and cheerful, and you arent exactly made to feel very welcome. Club needs a rethink on the hospitality side of things.
Advertise what you get a bit better. Most people don’t seem to know until they actually do it.
prices went up a fair bit in the last few years but nothing changed, i think maybe include a tour behind the scenes, changing rooms etc, for those who want it (obviously this would be before players etc arrive and start using them.) meet more players after the game, photo ops especially if kids involved.
in the past under the old prices I never really thought about the fact I had already bought a ticket for the game (season ticket) however now with the prices increase it made me think i have already paid to get in, perhaps a reduction or other incentive for season ticket holders booking in
I’ve been in the hospitality lounge regularly, at least once a year, and fell like it is slightly over priced. there isn’t alot going on and it all seems abit rushed. whilst I understand it has to be viable for the club, it seems like you’re sitting at home, watching the scores come in with a bag of chips on your lap!
Very poor,stuck I 1970s
Serve doubles instead of singles
Not value for money, should be cheaper for what you get atm. More selection of drink should be available
Not worth the money
I like the package
Havent been for years
I like it although would prefer some bottled ale, like in the club house.
Shite – better selection of beer needed, and better food provided. Costs a lot for what it is
Limited and not exactly worth the money
Been in once. Genuinely better atmosphere up there than in the clubhouse.
In the long term we could probably do with a sponsors lounge that overlooks the pitch.
An incentive where you can get a cheaper hospitality package if you are a season ticket holder
Decent. I’ve taken friends who aren’t regulars and they’ve really enjoyed it.
Need draught beer ,should be allowed in earlier to make it a better experience, need better food options rather than the local chippy
Sick of F+C and pizza as food option
Not sure
not been in
Better food, more option with alcohol not just bottles
Good value but better drink and food options would be a positive
Place needs a face lift and made more modern
More professional catering and dining experience. A more corporate feel. Even Ashington offer proper meals at tables.
Love the hospitality love seeing Kev and Tony however new chairman was in when I brought lots of family members, no communication or hellos at all. Very rude and cold
It used to be great. But now it’s really poor. Staff clearing up even vacuuming the floor while you are still in there! Also the prices now are too high for a pretty poor experience
Was in with Ellen for kings Lynn game.Also invited my brothers along for about £47 pound each.we had 6 people in total.i think its fair price for match entry , programme,drinks and food. Tony and Kev were very good hosts but Irfan was in room for about 20 minutes with no socialising with the three parties from 1899 club.This needs to improve massively ,when you are hosting clients paying good money they need to respected as such , basic business rule.they need to really understand how the club works its about people .A long way to go here from what I saw , again similair to supporters club I think they may struggle in this role next season unless they have some knowledgeable Blyth supporters around them.
No been in for about 8 or so years
Not applicable
It’s good.
I think the package is OK, and reasonable value for money.
Larger drinks selection at the bar
Too expensive unless you dont usually go.
Haven’t been for a few years, but thought selection of beers was poor and quality of good wasn’t good for a hospitality environment.
Good experience. Would be better if you could stay in the lounge longer after full time.
Pretty poor. Massive room for improvement
It’s basic, the bar selection is minimal and there’s zero entertainment. A previous or current player could possibly make an appearance. To be honest the club house is better.
Never been but will do next season
Expensive for what you get and cant get rid of you quick enough once the game is over.
Drinks are terrible, food fairly poor (Asda branded crisps out of a box…).
Good food and drink options, well decorated space. More interactions with players could be appealing
Its decent, for the price. I’ve been 4 times this season and although I think its good for the money my criticism is that the drinks selection is quite poor, they run out of things easily and use cheap mixer, and often no ice. Also, the toilets are absolutely rotten by half time even in the suite. (Probably cos its mixed gender- the womens bathroom in the club house is good).
Only once I’ve been in it was very good
More selection of spirits and beers.
Its always been done on a shoestring with a very modest offering, but I actually quite like that. Blyth isnt posh. A warm welcome is more important.
Reasonable value. We’ve previously sponsored a game and the kids got to go on the pitch as mascots which they loved. The club should promote that type of thing more.
My son has been and had a brilliant time. Nit sure how it appeals to older people.
It’s nice – people working hard behind the scenes, nice atmosphere, good seats!

Not much to add here – other than we put this in this year as the club are already looking to improve the hospitality offering – so feedback here should be invaluable.

What (if any) changes would you like to see made to Croft Park’s facilities?
Nicer toilets, bar inside? Or another van to help with queues
New toilets located either side of the fergyspace stand. Ideally in the future, a bar and a snack bar/catering hut would be good as well.
New toilets at Plessey Road end.
The PA System needs to be repaired or changed as you can’t hear them either ends, sometime you just get pure static. 
Toilets updated including the disabled. More disability access, not just the one stand.
Better clubhouse, better catering. Some of the toilets have seen better days and The Fed Shed will need replacing at some point.
if we continue to see an increase in crowds as we did towards the end of the season toilets will need looking at, quality and number. turnstiles also need to be fully staffed and manned especially when there are large queues. honestly i dont get the point of the fan zone built last summer, perhaps this could be used to meet players (injured or not in the match day squad mainly for kids) on match days or put other interactive things on, kids penalty shoot out – although that may be ebtter on the 3g pitch.
there is alot of changes could be done to bring the matchday experience to a better standard but I wouldn’t want to start prioritising them!I understand the theory of the fan zone area but heard a few times from away fans that it was a square of astro turf with some pallets for a fence around it!I really think it needs someone with a thought out vision to make it work
New floodlights,fed shed and pob stand updated,toilets around the whole ground,and that speakers massively improved with better music and music for players coming out.
Bogs are terrible – club shop open at the half.
Better toilets and turnstiles
Better toilet facilities, our own catering hut,
Better toilets
In-house catering, better floodlights, toilets behind Ferguson stand
Toilets and signage, which serious lack of. Ground needs sprucing up
Toilets in fed shed
The toilets at the Plessey end are a disgrace
Improve considerably the sound system. It is dreadful.sitting in the swamp we cant make out what the announcer is saying
Toilets cleaned or revamped!
Toilet behind fed shed
Taps that work in the toilets. An easier way to book match seat tickets on a phone. I can only book a seat in the stand on a lap top
Toilets in the Fed Shed
Better n clearer PA system ..pregame/halftime sold inside ground as big que,s halftime etc.. more litter bins
Tannoy hurts. Come on feel the noise is crap. It’s painful and I’m desperate for news that one of the band was a nonce so we get rid of it.
More toilets
Definitely some more food facilities, clean the toilets up a bit and have a whole restart of the fan zone/astro turf it seems pointless
A gym behind the ground and better toilets. Seriously though, I dont think the ground is all that bad. Maybe some kind of actual fan zone that will be used and extending the Fed Shed.

Advertising the club more externally too. Im not sure where wed stand in trimming the trees behind the Fed Shed and putting a sign or lettering on the back of the stand so its more visible to one of the major roads through Blyth.
Tannoy inaudible, floodlights poor, both need improvement
Bait hut
Bait hut needed.
New tannoys
A seater stand on the West Side offering seats that don’t force you to stare into the sun. An extended North stand. More toilets. Better PA system.
Fresh lick of paint in places
more comfortable settings all round.
More and better quality toilets
Better stewarding. We need to stamp out the misogynistic chanting. I usually take my wife, daughter and sister. They should be able to watch a match without hearing dinosaur chants and comments. It almost put my daughter off coming back.
Get decent PA system, one that doesn’t deafen the normal hearing and get someone who speaks English on the announcements. Toilets behind the old stand, in fact get all the bogs refurbished, they are shocking, wipe your feet on the way out.
More toilets,proper segregation when needed not just small barriers,provision of a small kiosk just selling drinks,can/bottle bar inside ground,better tannoy announcements can harder hear anything.
Better toilets
Updated as we’re in 2024 not the 90’s
Have more interactivity towards the fans
Fed shed knocked down, continue with low standards as behind the goals over all three sides
More bogs
Not sure
upgraded toilets,stand extension,make one other stand seated while leaving the 2 behind the goals as standing sections
Better tannoys, announce the draw
No issues
Floodlights that are bright enough to see the game
Better toilets and more of them
New PA system is a must. More turnstiles allowing quicker entry. Raised terracing along either side of main stand. Stop so many “mates” getting in for free. Toilets maintained and kept clean.
do not go home games , only away games
Tannoy issues addressed
Updated facilities and toilets across the ground
Toilets and food massively upgraded. Bar in the ground itself, rather than having to leave the ground to get a beer.
Hot water in bogs
More seats
Better toilets as they are really small and not enough for people in them.
Better tannoy system it’s impossible to hear any announcement.  Stewards who do a job, watching the fewidiots in the crowd rather than the football.
More toilets – and higher quality.
Upgrade on catering.
Toilets as a basic.
Open more turnstiles when it’s busy.
Bit of a clean up looks really tired
Better toilets
Toilets. Don’t let one bad apple stop drinking on the terraces. They could throw a bottle of pop or any other missile.
A permanent ‘ bait hut’ selling Shys stuff
Better toilets. Brand new PA systems. Better match day stewards. 
Better toilets and more bins in the stands
A designated family area
Better toilets
Better toilets. Permanent club run catering facilities
There should be a cash turnstile at the plessy end for all non segregated games.
More stewards strutting around like Conor McGregor doing nowt.
Just general improvement
A common issue raised is the toilet facilities
Bait hut, modernised toilets
None…good improvements in last 12m
Tannoy upgrade is essential.
Fed stand needs upgrading.
Stewards needs to be obvious. They look like supporters, not someone who has a responsibility.
Hard to say. It’s basic but it does the job
Better toilets at both ends
Change what’s happening on the pitch and the fans won’t even care what the facilities are like.
We have a bar, food trailers and toilets that’s all any ground needs.

Turnstile congestion on bigger games is something that could be looked at.
Correct signage for exact money turnstile and card only etc..
None for which funding would (in the real world) be available
extend the seating section (if possible)
Better Toilets in the ground
Tannoy, toilets, somewhere to buy beer in the ground.
Firstly, the tannoy speakers are shocking. They need sorted asap. The toilets could do with a refresh as well
Pigeon mesh under the roof of the main stand so the seats aren’t covered in bird faeces!
Clean bogs
It’s been the same for years, but I’d rather see investment in the squad than the facilities at the moment
a tannoy that works
Accept the offer from numerous fans to spruce it up for free, then look to invest & bring to the bext level
Better turnstiles. Renovate Fed Shed
Toilets updated in ground.
Build toilet facilities rather than portaloo type
Improved sound system. Better music being played, non club and rave.
Cleaner toilets
Family area where swearing and inappropriate behaviour is activity challenged
Would rather they spent money on the team, the facilities can be improved as and when.
 Better PA system and toilets
Good brought up to date
Would love a better pa but imagine that’s bottom of list for most, struggle to hear what’s said.
Make it a 3g, sorry Peter…
More toilets in different places. Proper segregated family area.
Better toilet facilities, improved catering.
Better hygiene/cleanliness and general modernisation. A screen with scores/time etc on it. Better quality speakers so can actually understand whats being said. More bins would be nice.
N/A – facilities fine for this level
Improved toilets and maybe a drinks/bottle bar
Got to get better toilet facilities
The toilets in the ground need updating and maintained.
Some shelter and better toilets
Better disabled facilities would be welcome, new toilets and enhanced catering
Better toilet facilities / able to use any turnstiles to get in / a lick of paint everywhere.
The current toilet facilities are woeful (male and female).
Better everywhere, toilets, quality of food, more staff, ground refreshed
Upgrade of the toilet facilities,.
Better drainage systems
Sort the toilets out
Easier for Kids to see from the terraces
Improved fanzone
The toilets are a disgrace and embarrassing
New fed shed at some point in the future
Speaker system replaced and repaint. General upgrade of facilities
New speakers,have needed replacing for a while.
Better atomshere.
Larger toilets for Half time.
My Dad always insists on hot water in the toilets. A bigger issue is probably catering – could have a van in the away end area, and better in-house catering with a few more hot options and baked goods etc in the main area. Maybe a small loo block round the other side of the ground. But it is a pretty good ground at its level and it’s a proper match day experience, can’t complain.
Nothing more can be really done
Refurbish old toilets into something more profitable, utilise volunteers again as every additional £ the club spend on labour, means that £2.50 needs making in sales to make it profitable – accounting for cost of goods and paying VAT. The beer garden, while an excellent idea, could be improved with greater protection such as a permanent gazebo, or a heat lamp for the winter, similar to beer terraces in nightclubs

Lots of talk about new toilets and utilising the space on the far side of the ground, on top of some other really good suggestions throughout.

What are your thoughts on the recent takeover by Winners Worldwide?
Dont know enough yet, time will tell
A lot of doubts and concerns about Mr Liaquat. Everything weve heard from him so far has been nonsensical drivel from a management for beginners handbook. Cut the crap and talk to supporters like a normal human being and be honest with us about what your plans actually are and what you’re going to invest into the football club.
Undecided at the minute.
Not to sure on them yet, they need to act on there words instead of giving promises that they don’t act on just waiting to see what happens in the summer before making my mind up.
Unsure. Are they doing it as a publicity stunt or do they actually want to help the club and the local community to be successful
Time will tell I guess. At face value it looks very shaky and there has been little/no communication to address supporters concerns. We have been informed by Messrs Platten and Scott that due diligence has been taken with this takeover, but we have no context of what that actually is. Speculation is pointless now as it is apparently a done deal (still to be reflected on Companies House as I type this) so what we really need is action from the new regime, sooner, rather than later. Anything other than a quick appointment of a new manager (if there is to be one) and some big signings will be too little. We can’t get out of this league on a shoestring with a mix of aging players getting a final pay cheque, Northern League players, injured players, and loan players plugging the squad. We need a good solid squad of quality players. And that will need a much higher budget than we have currently been operating with.
at first i was cautiously optimistic, there was alack of detail at first, lots of buzz words, but things looked like they could move forward. then we had nothing free tickets for schools (a good idea if done the right way) new food vans and then nothing. as time went on nothing happened or was communicated, i get there be a legal side to this but why have a take over party and then nothing, should have atleast waited till it was done. now i have watched members of the new team around he ground I do have several concerns. first couple of games after “take over” night the new chairman was visable but has slowly almost disappeared, not seen away form home, arriving later and leaving earlier, not talking to fans or being seen in the club house. i have heard things about the new chairman instructing the media team to remove posts and threads on social media, part of being chairman is taking some flack from time to time and communicating this has not been done well at all so far. as for other members of the new team, some have hardly been seen especially as relegation got bigger in front of us. some have seen it as a excuse to let all there mates come down and get in for free. another has been seen by myself and i have heard several beds examples of talking to staff and fans.  threatening people that they have taken legal advice when they are not even running the club yet, pushing to the front of a busy queue at the bar and asking for drinks to be put on their tab, they were rightly told by staff that no one had bar tabs (quite rightly) members of the new team seen laughing and drinking in the car park whilst we are getting beat and when asked could not even give the score in the game. now the tale over has been finalised, silence, it was over 72 ours after relegation before anything appeared on the club face book page, the full time results was either not posted on facebook or was deleted, this makes the new team look like that havnt got a clue what is going on. so far to sum up it has been very uninspiring and makes me worry for the future of the club, little has appeared positive in any way since the take over night at the club house
far too long winded to comment but my general thought is not positive!I really hope I’m wrong but if the early consensus is anything to go by, then I’m very pessimistic
Give them a chance
Hopefully will be good
Youd think nothing had changed – need actions not words.
Think whole thing wity takeover being announced when hadnt gone through was a farse and makes me nervous for future
Load of bollocks
Time will tell. Hopefully its a good thing
Optimistic and hopeful
Underwhelming, have a lot to prove and early signs arent promising
Losers worldwide
Not sure, but now they have to put the money where their mouth is for a new squad etc.
Very unsure about the future of the football club
I know they have plans to change many aspects of the club. It needs committed quickly and effectively. 
It’ll end in tears. #TeamParker
Not impressed at all im a season ticket holder and share holder and not 1 email/phone call/ text/carrier pigeon message/ smoke signal nowt owners stood bye n watched us get relegated no injection of funds plenty buzz words but no action n im not havin the guff about takeover not through so hands tied bull as started making changes straight away ie. Club shop supporters club etc .So Irfran prove us wrong up to now money spent on players £0 money wasted on non takeover party loads Oh Aye try turning up at games n not beating supporters oot the gate at end ..
It was announced early then a gap till it actually happened which left many people in the dark and concerned. The recent communication post relegation was needed. I’d like them to stop going on about 5 point plans and community stuff though. Just do it and show us. We’re football fans not LinkedIn people. A monthly communication would be great. Just little updates high level on what is actually happening rather than too many promises. Spotlights on key volunteers and some of the newer senior people would be great too in those monthly updates. That’s a good way to keep people informed on who these people are and some of the good work they might be doing as well as a free way to build trust and grow your community engagement.
Poorly communicated
Early impression is not good but keeping mind open, certain rumours of no longer paying for players meals before games is not the way to start. Too much bollocks about kids penalty shootouts and fleecing money from raffles than the actual football, which at the end of the day is why everyone is there. Overall just doesn’t look, as of yet, that they are passionate about Blyth. Even in statements etc we get the same “5 year plan” or “local communities will be involved” etc but we still don’t know what the plan is and how they will do so.
Give them time and judge them by their actions. Too early to give an opinion either way.
Fearful. Bulletpoint and “buzzword” laden statements that offer fans nothing of substance. Only thing missing is an accompanying PowerPoint slideshow. Don’t believe they are here for footballing reasons, it raises their profile, and potentially make money out of club. Previous business background of Irfan via Companies House not encouraging and WW’s annual statement for Co House was still overdue when I looked yesterday.
At present it seems to be an absolute shambles. The announcement night got the fans excited then absolutely no investment was made to keep us in the NLN. All it would have taken was signing 2-3 players and it’d have cost a drop in the ocean compared to what getting to the Championship will. Currently I have absolutely no faith in Mr Liaquat but I’m desperate for him to prove me wrong
Cant judge yet but give them a chance I say
Communication is key
Should never have been announced mid season. Reserving judgement until I see what they do over the summer
The jury’s out
Open minded, wish them well.
There’s not enough space here to fully express my concerns! Very worried.
Well we haven’t seen anything change as yet.
Have to wait and see what happens, depends what happens in the summer
Hard to be positive when no details on plans have been released. Just empty buzzwords so far.
See what happens
Undecided atm
Everyone assumed the takeover occurred on the night of the press conference!
No one asked from when the takeover commenced they created the impression of there and then.
They’ve kicked themselves in the backside already.
We needed additional players before the cut off and never got them.
Excited but think more needs to be done,signings soon and following up on promises that were mad
After a few chats with Irfan, he does seem pretty well educated. Says all the right things and even went a lot more into detail with specifics last time we spoke, which made me believe he had done a lot of research.
Will still be cautious until I see things done. Actions speak louder than words, and if his actions match his words I think we will be very well off.
Not sure they could have made a bigger mess of it
Concerning as no communication of plans
Worried it will put us out of existen6
Yet to see any improvement!
Very poor communication, done nothing to give fans any hope. Very vague statements and promises. Nothing positive on the foot ball side. Need to do something soon to encourage old current and new supporters now for next season so we can hit the ground running.
concerning to say the least, really worry for Blyth.
Not impressed as information on take over ownership vague to say the least
Very unsure, lots of talk but no substance as of yet. I’m more than willing to give the board time but they need to communicate with the fans better and be more transparent with the ‘plan’
Mmmmmm. Proofs in the pudding. Put his money, (if theres any there) where his mouth is. Think weve been conned actually. Recon a gun was put to the former chairmans head.
Shite, poor communication, never answer questions, didnt have the meeting with the manager and I think irfan needs to speak to the fans I’d be happy to communicate
Not good as we are losing and we have lost since they have took over the club
Total shambles. A big party, 2 months later relegation and not a word. As a share holder, notjust 1 50p share but hundreds, how come Irfan can call himself Chairman? No meeting no voteno nothing!
Early days but so far I’m hugely sceptical: sceptical about their financial standing; sceptical about their football understanding and knowledge; sceptical about any meaningful investment, either in the squad and player recruitment or in club infrastructure and facilities. Hope I’m proved wrong but I don’t feel encouraged that our club is in new safe hands…in fact, far from it.
Very sceptical/worried and have little to no faith in any of the new people involved in the club – very poor/non existent communication – no clear plan – no fan engagement – Irfan has almost been in hiding since the first game (his lack of visible presence on the relegation day was extremely disappointing, to the point of being cowardly) – Bernice and Craig have made absolutely no attempt to ingratiate themselves to the fans or even try engage with anyone to see what we like and don’t like at the club or ask for any ideas that we have to push the club forward – I have’t spoken to anyone yet (from hardcore supporter to people who watch from afar) who is even the slightest bit optimistic regarding the future of the club based on what they’ve seen or heard so far.
Still so many questions regarding the new regime …they seem very reluctant to actually come forward with direct answers to the financial stability of themselves.what is the long term plan/vision?.do we really need a director of football at NPL level or is Howard in line to take managers job?
Apart from whats above , generally as per my previous concerns from February.Lack of any substance to the new ownerships plans,nothing has improved off the pitch (albeit their hands were possibly tied until formal takeover but this was created by themselves and previous board ,no one else)and we all saw it decline on the pitch.We were promised plans being drip fed,nothing happened.From February to formal handover on day before relegation being announced seems very poor planning considering discussion from last October.i am extremely nervous about new ownership they need to prove themselves and if they do I am sure they will get the support of the fans but so far its been very disappointing.
I’d like to know more about the owners! Right now they are a mystery. That, of course, creates mistrust.
Poor communication and poorly timed. Contributed to the relegation.
Not sure
Sceptical. But time will tell
Absence on the terraces has been noted by many. Reckon they’ve got 6 months to show their hearts in it.
I’m not convinced it’s a good thing.
Communication is very poor with supporters and the five year plan appears to be a word salad with little substance.
Since the Sporting Director has started to work with the team, they’ve gotten worse.
There is no passion anymore.
I don’t buy Irfan as an ‘angel investor’, because I don’t think he has the money or experience needed to bring good times back to the club. I’m not sure what he’s getting out of it
Poor choice. Dnt think there ready 4 the challenge
Unsure as lots of unanswered questions
Unsure as a whole.
Unsure, but hopeful
Jury’s out
Yet to be decided
Not sure what to think of it time will tell
Have lots to say very small company likely no money coming.
Not convinced about it. Have they got the finances to support and build the club. Previous years saw Tony digging into his pocket when needed and I don’t think the new board has the ability to do that. They’ll need to bring in a lot of new sponsorship.
Sceptical to start.
Very worried following a review of their previous buisness ventures.
In despair following the first month.
Now resigned to administration.
Concerned as no real updates so far. Need to see the plan in action. Need communication to the fans to be much better.
The pretentious name alone rings alarm bells, along with the very polished but empty statements that get thrown around, it feels very much like this is just going to be part of a ‘business portfolio’ rather than a passion project from someone who genuinely loves football. It’s still early days, but some dubious decisions have seen me going from defending the takeover to others to starting to believe some of their initial concerns are justified.
A lot of questions to be asked regarding finances and concrete plans for success. I’m aware that the takeover officially wasn’t done til recently but even since, there has been absolutely no communication other than a statement post relegation which gave absolutely nothing away. We deserve to be kept informed and want to know what the future holds for OUR football club.
Very worried
Million Dollar question.
Have we been told anything- NO.
Engage, due diligence, community………
We want actions, not words.
We want plans, not hopes.
Blyth Spartans is a hobby/passion, not a business.
Stand up and be counted Irfan.
Impossible to make a judgement yet. Takeover only just confirmed. Either back or sack the manager. Be sensible with recruitment. Support the younger players coming through. Make positive and real links with the strong community sector in blyth and youth football organisations in blyth. We can be much stronger together. The club can’t engage with people who aren’t already engaged by themselves. They need to utilise other agencies to grow. Doing things by yourself does not work
A total joke. No information given to fans complete silence from them
Can’t comment as they only completed last week but personally I have a bad feeling.
The takeover hasn’t given anyone confidence and it’s probably should have.
Businessmen want a return after year 1. Ican’t see that happening so we well see if they are still about when the clubs not making money year 5.
The jury is out.
I Don’t know, we see
Want to be upbeat about it but feel like it’s the beginning of the end. Only heard negative things  about it from the rumours that come out of the club.
Time will tell
Im holding my breath, they’ve done nothing yet to give me any confidence
Very sceptical, have done nothing to show their aspirations and everything to talk about how good they are.
I’m not convinced at all by the new regime.
Positive at first but a few individuals dont realise how big the club is for blyth and the supporters
reserving judgement. Everyone deserves a chance. So despite some scepticism I’m prepared to judge this time next year. 
Need to be given a chance…but skeptical – no detail in the takeover “plan”, lots of uncertainty since the premature announcement.
Very very nervous. All flashy words and no substance. I see zero actual evidence of a plan. Talk of Howards contacts being used yet we signed sod all talent to stave off relegation. Should have thrown money at Rutlidge when we had striker shortage.
No successes or reputation of winning anything to instill confidence, and little to no communication.
Still sceptical.
A sham
I would like more clarification about finances and how much will be invested in players and facilities
Dubious due to lack of transparency.
Time will tell
Time will tell, but off to a shaky start
Time will tell, I’ll give them a chance.
Too early to say but not 100% convinced it will be the best
Hopefully they will help us build a better team
Extremely skeptical.
Very pessimistic. They branded themselves as being able to take the club to another level… they indeed left it to slide to relegation…
The lack of signing on deadline day was hard to believe…
We’ve been relegated, enough said
Complicated and lacking in decent communication. Never heard the phrase “community engagement” so much. Waffle!
Not great so far, was hopefully initially but seeds of doubt have been sewn by what people have been digging up. Still hopeful but time will tell.
Very suspicious. No evidence there is any money at all behind this takeover. I trust Tony and Kev to have the clubs interest at heart but I am incredibly wary of Irfans lack of business success and clear exaggerations on his website.
Concerned that it won’t turn out to be the new dawn it’s been made out to be
Haven’t come across as they want to engage with fans who is the owner
Unsure.little known about them and not much has been said/done since the take over.
Mixed opinions
Makes me very nervous. They talk the talk, but Im unconvinced that they can deliver, or that theyll stay the course
Ill give it time to answer that one / rome apparently wasnt built in a day.
Open minded. Crucial summer ahead.
This new season 24/25 will tell if they are serious as the team was more or less going down anyway
I remain open, but they haven’t got a proven track record. No-one knows anything about them
Looking forward to a bright future
Shite so far
Cant judge until investments made
Needed a change, initial negativity was exhausting and borderline racist. As things have transpired it looks like a shit show.
Very very sceptical
Bit odd
I’m sceptical to say the least. Never seen them at away games. Peterborough Sports for example.
Hard to comment due to early stages. A lot of buzz words and not much action with little communication so far. Pre-season will give a better idea.
Undecided….actions speak louder than words
Unsure more questions than answers but will give them a chance to prove themselves before judging
Still sceptical but hoping it can come good in the future.
Not sure
Unsure, too early to say
Pretty scary. Powerpoints and podiums and big talk are all very well, and we’ve got to hope the people behind the scenes are well-intentioned and know what they’re going. Presumably there isn’t a line of millionaires queuing up to take over. Not impressed with the early comms though. The relegation statement had a few typos in it, and was a bit perfunctory. The earlier statements about the Championship was naive, made it look like a cheap imitation of Ryan Reynolds. People have to show some awareness of (a) the nature of the club, and (b) the level we are at. The National League North is at the pinnacle of semi-pro football in the UK. The National League proper is basically pro. Within our league there are big clubs with recent league experience, and/or with league-level set-ups – Scunthorpe, Hereford, Chester, York, etc. We’re nowhere near that. We need to aspire to match the likes of Spennymoor, Curzon Ashton, sides like that. There are some clubs in non-league who are basically league clubs in disguise, and there are other clubs obviously on an upward trajectory, like Fleetwood and Fylde in recent years. Maybe we’ll be one of the latter. Just saying it, though, doesn’t make it any less far-fetched. Stay humble, do your homework, set small achievable goals – let’s not end up looking silly. And, just appoint a stable experienced manager who knows the scene. FENTON WOULD HAVE KEPT US UP, probably… Tom Wade, ask him what he thinks, or just ask him to do it. 
Took too long but if Irfan and co are arsed should be quality for the club, providing we go back up that is..
Plagued with doubt. Any and all communication from the club since taking over feels disingenuous, littered with, quite frankly, corporate bollocks, which is to say “a lot of words, while explaining very little”

The old regimes biggest criticism was the wall of silence fans were met with when asking genuine questions about the club they love and have grown up with, and now, 3 months later, to still only know “community outreach” is one of their main goals, which actually saying very little, is infuriating.

The rumours of the consortium wealth are trivial, and can be easily ignored – What cannot be ignored is the egregious and unprofessional threat to sue a fan for a comment online, along with posting instagram stories linking us with players and managers is incredibly unprofessional also. The chairman is 42 years old, not a teenager looking for engagement on social media.

There needs to be a professional standard immediately introduced to all members of the consortium, to understand what this club means to the regular matchday going fans, and the  35,000 residents of Blyth. We deserve more as a club than having an “angel” investor arrive into the social club, only for one of the members of the consortium ask a fan “are we losing” at half time in a vital game for the clubs future.

Their arrival could not be off to a worse start. Regardless of rumours of due diligence and forcible sales through solicitors, this is the hand we’ve all been dealth with now, let’s start treating this “asset” with the respect is deserves
If you have a question you would like to ask the new ownership group, please ask it here.
In previous years Tony Platten has personally put in upwards of £100,000 a season to keep the club afloat. Can you say that you’ll be able to at least match that personally, should crowds drop and plans fail?
Will you keep the club solvent? No one buys a club to earn money and we don’t want to be in the same financial plight as we were before the previous regime came in. Please grow a thick skin because you will never be able to make some of fans happy. Even if we won the FA Cup they would still find things to whinge at.
What are your actual plans for the club?
Are you willing to spend money on the club to improve it on and off the pitch?  Will you listen to what the supports are saying? 
There has been talk of a ‘5 year plan’. What is it? And is it now a 6 year plan? Also, is there plans for a new manager and team overhaul? As it stands we need a clear out. Assuming this is the case, how will we compete financially for players? Our current gate receipts and matchday income alone will see us priced out of the calibre of player we need to compete at the very least, and at best, get promoted. The kind of lofty aims that were aired at the pseudo ‘takeover’ event need serious investment compared to what we currently have in place. How will we get this? Does the current chairman intend on investing his own money? Are investors lined up? Talk of community engagement is of course welcome, but without a successful team on the pitch, everything else fails before it has even stared. We are a football club. Everything else needs to be built on the back of that.
will you be publishing a detailed plan about what your aims, objectives and means of achieving this are?

why did you make changes to the supporters club shop so quickly, it was probably the best ran area of the club and now it has been obliterated, I am not saying improvements could not be made or other options looked at but to do it in such a way is awful?

will you be communicating engaging with existing shareholders, what about and when?

would you be open to a fans representative on the board, voted by fans or some other independent way of having this person appointed (1 year term or similar)

what mistakes do you think have been made since take over night?

how have you (Irfan) found things since the take over night in the club?
not a question but all I’d ask is please by transparent with us and if it’s not viable to keep up the club, let the fans know and seek someone who possibly can!
I’d like to know again what the long term plan is.
Plan for getting out the NPL at the first attempt.
How can we be sure to trust the new owners
What are the goals for this season and how confident are you these goals will be a success.
Give us a plan for the team going forward
Can I compare wallets with irfan?
Is there enough money to improve the squad
Are you going to put any money into getting better quality players? I just want to see steam that plays attractive football
Why did we see no investment towards the end of the season when it was obvious we were in desperate need of new players
Get me a job please and thank xx
When are you going to communicate your short term plan and expectations on the pitch for 24/25
Why are you so sensitive to comments on social media? Doesn’t reflect well on the owners. Where’s your money come from, and why is croft park the registered address for the company?
PROVE US WRONG UP TO NOW YOU LOOK LIKE A CHANCER . What are plans n budget for nxt season ? Do you even have a clue about non league football/ Blyth Spartans AGAIN PROVE US WRONG
Please can you make sure the squad next season has enough players to build a great dressing room. Loads of loan deals brings too many players with little commitment to the cause. We need new leaders and characters ready to battle for eachother. Get the social media right when bringing new faces in over the summer to build positive traction into the new season to make sure people are excited to come.
What is the 5 year plan at the club in detail for each year and what should we expect next season?
Asked it a few times, but Id really like to know why Blyth?
Do you have the necessary, immediately available funds to invest in the club, both playing squad and facilities, so we give the league a good go next season and stop attendances dropping due to lower league football?
This 5 year plan. What does that entail? I don’t want any buzzwords, I want detailed, specific answers.
Are smokebombs allowed? Got 3 for the new season thats all.
The club badly needs a much bigger playing budget. Other local clubs have been out paying us for years. We cannot compete unless we match them.
Why did you stop providing food for the players on the away buses?
Financial backing for good player recruitment!
How are you going to fund the club on a day to day basis bearing in mind it always runs at a loss.
Every football club needs a steady team, bringing in loan players who don’t cut it and don’t encourage loyalty is not the way forward. What’s the plan Irfan?
How many signing are we going to make in the summer transfer window
How do you plan to achieve your goals? Engaging with community with no specific details isn’t an acceptable answer.
What is the plan to promote the club more towards people in high schools and adults in the area?
What is their policy on loan players as this has been a disaster this season
Not a question but the new owner needs to be as visible and transparent as possible at all times.
From a playing perspective we need a full squad to start the season to have any chance at all, instead of part squad with a series of loans.
It’s failed year on year.
Are you still looking for the 5 year plan and will signings be made this season that will be able to stay and push high for next season if we go up
Not a question but engage with people, better communication and do the talking on the pitch!
What are your plans?
Apart from community engagement what are your plans on the footballing side and when can we expect to hear the director of football tell us his plans.
do you really want to be in the conference North? As the last few games did not look like it.
Can you share with us a high level overview of the 5 year plan?
Not impressed at all up to now. Early days, we’ll give it a chance but to own a football club, even at this level needs a hell of a lot of disposable cash by the owners. How much have you got to spend on Blyth.? And lets be honest about it and we’ll respect you. Even if its just coopers. If you can’t we’ll have a collection and give you your £1 back and well run the club as a supporters club.
How much do you plan to put into the club this season and how are you planning to spend the left over £15k 1899 money
What is your plan. No waffle, just how is it going to work? TP put in nearly £800k and we were still not competitive.  So community engagement etc. Isn’t going together us promoted.  What in real terms are you going to do?
Do you realy understand non-league football…and do you really ‘get’ Spartans?
After the Hullabaloo of yr takeover will you now detail yr vision for the club with honesty regarding the financial side of matters?
Truthful future plans.Currently supporters have been ignored and very vague promises at takeover launch have proved to have been without any substance.
What effort was made to keep club in NLN?we saw nothing as fans can you confirm what the plan was if we slipped into a relegation battle?
Can you confirm what progress has been in made in securing sponsorship with businesses  in Northumberland.
How many blyth games has Steve Howard attended.
How many scouting games has Steve Howard attended since February.
Provide full and final 5 year business plan,the time has come.
Confirm club is financially secure and funding is in place NOW from new board.
Could you give us an idea of exactly how you plan on growing the club?
What are your plans to invest in the club and local community. What are you really about?
You bought the club debt-free. What’s your 5-10 year plan to turn it profitable?
What specifically are your aims for the club over the next five years, and what specifically will you do to facilitate this?
Please note the word SPECIFICALLY
Do you now regret taking over.
Are you going to spend some money to get a decent squad together instead of us always being a few injuries away from struggling. Never have a strong bench to change games and this needs addressing
What happened to the share ownership?
Can we have a designated family area behind one of the goals?
Why are u destroying our club by getting rid of supporter club after 93 years.
Can you get £1m a season to run the club as that’s what it’s going to take over the next five years to get us competitive.
How much debt will you have racked up before you disappear and roughly when do you think that will be?
When can we expect updates? Whether it’s manager going/staying. Players going/staying.
Why was the decision made to inform a large number of volunteer helpers that they were ‘no longer needed’, when even if the issue was lacking an SIA license, these loyal volunteers could easily have been given alternative roles besides security. These people are the heart of the club, with many having turned up for DECADES to proudly represent the club and in one fell swoop the club has thrown them out (by telephone apparently) and genuinely sent grown men into tears, as for them it was a massive part of their lives. Why were they not allowed to continue and does the new ownership believe this was a good way of ‘engaging the local community’?
What is the 5 year plan in depth including how the team will set about achieving all of the bullet points initially released as part of the plan.

Will the budget be increased compared to this seasons? If not, why not?
When can we learn about the strategy for football matters for next season
What is your investment.
What will you do different to those before you.
How will your plans be more successful than those before you.
Have you any idea what it is like tonrun a club like Blyrh Spartans.
Put the supporters at the forefront of everything.
Have you tried to develop links with youth football agencies in the area? Have you tried to engage with the community sector? Do you know who to contact? If you dont then ask. You will be pushing at an open door
Why did you get rid of all the volunteers?
Why is your company dissolved at Companies house
Will we see new signings soon?
Who are the players we need at Blyth Spartans AFC?
will you be investing in players in the summer, as we need to get promoted quick.
Is the rumours true the budgets being cut?
What are intentions for next season, up to yet we have heard nothing from you ..
Are you going to have a Q&A at the club again soon and on a regular basis after that?
Are your plans the improve the club a financial one or to gain success?
What are your plans for the playing squad. This lot are not good enough. I wouldn’t be unhappy if literally none were retained. I understand that is not practical as same eg maybe in contract. But if they are retained, and we do go up, they have already proved they are not good enough for step 6 so its back to square one in 12 months time.
What is your actual year on year plan, and how will you implement it? None of this engage with local businesses and community what does that actually look like, how and when? And who, with a recent and relevant footballing brain, is making footballing decisions at the club?
When will we see a specific plan to develop and invest in the club which goes beyond just community engagement?
I would like more clarification about finances and how much will be invested in players and facilities
Disclose plans for funding of next seasons team, no generic speaches and buzzwords, honest simple plans for the future of the club.
Do you think you are going to make a profit?
What factors will dictate the playing budget for next season
Will there be any fan forums
Can we expect a decent influx of money to improve the team?
Can we see a marked improvement on communication from the club cos, it’s not great. And what changes do you forsee to improve it.
What is your vision regarding Blyth Spartans Juniors ?
Do you aim at bringing some of the Elite teams closer and promoting the good work done there as you do for the TyneMet U18’s and U19’s teams ?
How long will it be before we get a good Derby game against Blyth Town
What funds will be available  for the team rebuild?
Do you actually have any funds? Where are they coming from?
Why didnt you do more to avoid relegation? You had a shiny takeover event for seemingly nothing but we havent seen any investment?
Can you assure the fans you are going to rebuild the team and keep all the volunteers who have dedicated there spare time for the club they are loyal to a tee.
Would you be prepared to place a bond of 125% of the years planned expenditure with the League as security for the future of the club?
The club lives and breaths because of its passionate fanbase and loyal volunteers. What will the new regime do to harness that potential? What are the plans for the club shop?
How they plan to get more fans through the gates and how they intend to encourage and interact with them
What parts have you actually bought???
How do you feel about the financial loss from being relegated
What is the actual craic!?!?
Why did irfan put that were interested in a player on his insta story
Have they got any money to invest on our club?
How do they plan on making Blyth a more attractive proposition for players and potential new supporters over other north east clubs?

What are their plans to ensure Blyth Spartans are still operating in its current form for the next generation?
Apart from community engagement what are your short term plans to make Blyth competitive on the pitch again. Its been woeful watching for the past 5 seasons and culminated in relegation.
What there aims are on the pitch for next season. Are we aiming to push for promotion ASAP or not.
Are you looking for immediate return to the league or are you planning a long term strategy to bring through youth players
What is your 5-year plan to make Blyth Spartans a stable, top-half semi-pro club in the National League North, and how will Blyth become more competitive relative to its regional rivals at this level of the game?
You’ve spoken a lot about 5 year plans, and community engagement – but what does this actually entail? What “irons” are in the fire – what engagement are you looking to source to continue the existence of this club? It’s well established that Tony Platten was owed £700,000 by Blyth Spartans, how long are your group intending to be around, and what happens when the moneys owed get too much for the consortium. It’s important to remember you are the custodians of this club, and for all of the fans faults, if they leave in droves, there will not be much of a club left.
Any final comments to make?
Hopefully the takeover is a success but we need to see some actions
Mr Liaquat, please dont take us for fools. We are a loyal fanbase who love a football club with a very rich history. If you arent going to respect that, please get out sooner rather than later.
I would urge the new board that it is the supporters and the volunteers that make this football club. Without them we have no club.
for things to be right off the pitch first they need to be right on the pitch, i dont meaning just winning every week, but giving fans a team they can get behind, this hasnt really happened much in the last 5 years, its no point getting new people in the gate if we put uninspiring rubbish performances in on it, they wont come back.
for selfish reasons,  not too disheartened to go down, as I feel like we could make more away days and hopefully enjoy our football again. however, where we were in January, to be relegated is a huge embarrassment and would like to think our new owners aren’t willing to let it lie!show us what your intentions are and we will back you from the off!!!
Shite season. Basically gave up our spot in the NLN without a fight. Disgusting from turn of the year. Football on the whole was awful. Final game was shameful – the fans obviously care more than the team and for me I hope most of them never wear a green and white shirt again.
Bring Robbie back
Bring back rivers and walker
Michael Soulsby is a massive dog nonce and needs a permission slip to attend blyth games.
Club is on the bring could go either way, needs an overhaul from top to bottom. New people have to get fans on board and listen to them
Hard times a head but the die hard regular supporters will still be there hoping to see the club promoted back into the National League North, I hope these new owners realise this and give them the results and the respect these fans deserve.
I never want to go through another season like the last one.
Hopefully we can regroup and push towards promotion next season
Up the blyth xoxo
Everyone wants to club to do well. Communicate well, get Everyone on side, get a great media team and push for promotion
Firstly, Michael Soulsby shags dogs, secondly, please ban KKK, thirdly, Pieface handles the pies with his hands, just get rid of the tongs they only get in the poor lads way.
Justice for Parker, I think a GA tweet should go out showing solitude with Parker. Irfan can’t come in and bully our supporters into submission
Ask Tony n kev to come back at least they had club at heart .. Irfan needs to win over supporters with deeds not BUZZ WORDS
Well done to Blyths Green Army for representing the club so well. The podcast is good craic.
More communication needed
Get the security ppl to actually deal with the foul language
Keep up the good work lads!
Going into next year I can’t see anything other than a bottom half finish, potentially even another relegation fight. We as fans need to pressurise the board into giving our club the respect it deserves
Ban anyone who sings Newcastle chants
Time for a rebuild next season. New manager needed and a whole new team.
This club badly needs to progress and in a hurry.
Voting for MOTM via Twitter is a good concept however most supporters do not really check their phone during the game/ not on Twitter
Wish the club all the best for the future.
Plan early for next season, it’s a tough league.
The club needs to be improve the news output. Like now, we’re all wondering what is happening with Shaw, players etc…
Consider free entry for under 16s or the next generation of supporters is not going to happen.
Green army do a great job get more information from them than the official club outlets
Astro open for fans in marchday
Please provide details of your plans so we can get behind you. We need some positivity and a team to be proud of. The effort from the team on the final day of the season was unacceptable please don’t let that happen again.
Top work again Dan!
Can only get better
Ticketing online is difficult as links to seats don’t always work
Recently e mailed to find out more info about BLYTH Juniors but not had a reply very disappointing
This is a famous iconic football club  and need to be back where we belong. In the news for the right reasons and competing successfully at the highest level with a team and manager backed by a board that do not renage on their promises.
we go quite a few away games and always appreciate the players coming over at the end, it makes our day worthwhile. ps plz try and sign harry gardiner on loan again too.
Disappointed in new ownership as money didnt appear to be available in attempting to stave off relegation
A massive thanks to the Green Army. The heartbeat of the club.
Now that we have been relegated, theres some good players out there that because of work and family commitments, they cant get to many away games but would love to play for Blyth Spartans and Im sure they would give it their all. Leave the under 18/19s alone as they are doing fantastic. They would run rings around other teams in this league we are now in. We need to see more commitment from the players.
How are you using 1899 club money ?
I hope we don’t go bust. So many take overs end that way. Please respect BSFC and our proud past.
Hoping for the best for next season…but fearing the worst. Have a really horrible feeling that our 125th year might be a real watershed…and not in a good way.
Just be honest with us and communicate with us what’s going on (even if its bad news) – its a small community so people find out whats happening very quickly and if its not mentioned officially people think you are hiding things from them – unfortunately the new regime are starting next season with a huge amount of mistrust and are probably already ârequiring snookers†with most of the fans, you are going to have to work hard to address this (especially if it doesn’t go well on the pitch) – regular communication is going to be essential if this is to be addressed
Can only hope that the new regime actually come good on promises .
Time to be open and honest from the owners.its now or never, this period to pre season will define this and many future years,it is now time to be positive and ambitious so lets see it.
Football is nothing without miserable men complaining.
While the season has been poor the previous board take alot of the blame as its allowed the club to slowly float along without any real investment since COVID. This will set the club back 5 years and it will take alot of hard work and TRUST from the new lot to convince the fans.  Massive summer ahead.
Re-assess how much you are paying for security. It’s good to see more of them and they look professional but hardly any of them do their job. People constantly vape in the stand and I see countless people with cans of lager wandering around.
If u can’t make a difference just leave our club.release proper announcements of your intentions.
Fingers crossed it all works out under the new ownership.
Stamp out the pedo chants, its abysmal crack and ruins it for everyone who isn’t an utter moron.

In adversity we strive.
As a fan of the club who has only been coming to matches the past 3 seasons, I hope this new ownership brings a new era for the fans to be proud of. It’s clear to all the fans that this summer is probably the biggest club has to navigate. We have to get whatever decisions made are right. Not saying we would, but Bradford PA have had back to back relegations from not getting it right. Let’s make sure the next season starts on the right foot, and good luck to the new owners.
Unfortunately I feel like the above question will either be ignored, or responded to using business talk rather than genuine compassion.
Howay blyth
We need to be much better at reassuring fans via social media
Proof will be in the pudding.
Please look after the club. Be sensible. Be open with folks. Communicate. Don’t assume supporters don’t know anything. You might be surprised with the knowledge and helpful skills you have at your disposal. Use them. You will need them.
Hoping the New owners actually have money to spend
Good football is what we all turn up to see, the game we all love.
I think the new owners need to understand the fans better.
We want to come to the ground and enjoy something after a hard week’s work.
We are not bothered about politics we just want the players on the pitch to give it a good go.
The Club appears to be at a(nother) watershed moment…
When will you open the club store again?
Maybe sign some shithouses that aren’t afraid to get really stuck in and not muscled off the ball. after the news of Shaw leaving, for the love of god please don’t let nobby solano anywhere near the club!
To the owners you’ve closed the club shop which was run by volunteers WHY ?? Plus apart from the initial speech in the clubhouse we’ve heard nowt,, we now need a quality manager first and foremost who can attract decent players to our club if we are going to get promoted, I hope I’m wrong but I can’t see it happening
Up the blyth
On certain match day games you’ve got to look outside the box re match day prices & incentives. eg v Brackley if you had reduced the prices I’m sure you would have got more in. That’s also more money spent in the social club possibly the club shop etc. I think Farsleys idea of letting Leeds season ticket holders in for free on their last game was a brilliant idea.
Supports, volunteers, shop, Green Army – bust their arse to do the best by the club, need the same from powers that be.
Thoroughly disappointed with the general state of the club
Disclosure of plans for the future of club with the intent to gain promotion out of this league.
Overall I enjoy match days but more so when the team put in a good performance and maybe win
Keep up the good work
New owners must communicate better
I would attend more games , live 50 miles away, if we had a team that tries
Get us back up to the NLN please
Get some decent players and bring back Tom Wade
Let’s see more of the board and the owner are at all the games only right to be seen
Fans are key to a clubs success
Blyth supporters urgently need a fully-fledged supporter’s trust.
Onwards and up hopefully.
Good luck to the next manager you will need it
When will Companies House be updated???
Clearer communication from owners badly needed
I’m so sad we are relegated. Me and my sons love football and in particular Blyth Spartans.
We first came on non league day in 2017 and have never been away. We now have season tickets and often go to away games.
Please can the new owners commit to making our club great again.
There are hundreds of kids playing in Spartans junior teams. They currently get free entry into games and mascot slots but feel like more could be done to strengthen the links between juniors and first team. They could potentially be future players or life long supporters.

A thank you for all of the work you do for the club (green army).
As many do I live in Blyth and apart from the small board on South Beach I never see any advertising of upcoming fixtures….no leaflets in pubs or shop windows, not even anything in or around the ground or clubhouse….most of us know the fixtures but to the casual fan this might be a way to tempt them back or entice them in for a first time.
Haway Blyth
Blyth Spartans has been here a long time. The club has a modest, but passionate support base. Don’t take either of these things for granted. Charge people too much, or appear detached from the fan base, and they now have a lot of cheaper, quality local football options. Do anything too risky and overspend – that will risk falling into the same trap as many non-league clubs over the years. Fans are realistic. They just want half a chance of winning a game against a similar-sized club. That defeat vs Rushall – that was the low point.
I don’t think Blyth fans necessarily want a flatpack stadium and debt-ridden League One football. I think Blyth fans want their club to represent the best, and best value, non-league match day experience. They want Blyth to be competitive and play good football at the top end of the semi-pro game, attracting the best non-league players in the region, and to have proper runs in the FA Cup and Trophy. Blyth fans don’t take themselves too seriously, but they do want the club to be taken seriously by the people who run it.
The club needs a bigger profile in the town, better marketing and packages to get people to games, but none of this will happen unless we break the cycle of the past five years, years in which we’ve been at the bottom of the league much of the time. What Tom Wade did ten years ago – that was a thing of genius. Great scouting, brought in talented young players and experience, build a footballing family, played entertaining football, heart of the sleeve stuff – those were great years, recalling the peak Harry Dunn eras. Never mind the headlines – we need someone like that to happen again. Easier said than done. Good luck to everyone, genuinely.
Up the blyth
Sort out the anti social chanting behiend the goals

As for the final few questions, they responses are as diverse as ever! As expected and like last year, communication with fans scores low. As for the rest of the comments, a lot of people just want more clarity from the football on what the future holds.

Once again, thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey!